Jewellery Care and Sizing

Jewellery Care

All our ByGemsInfinity jewellery pieces are solely made of precious metals Gold or Silver with genuine pearls and quality natural or lab gemstones. A little tender loving care will ensure that they will keep their brilliance and potentially be an heirloom piece!

∞ Store your jewellery separately in its dedicated box away from sunlight, humidity and dust.

∞ Avoid contact with lotions, perfume, water and other chemicals.

Wear your jewellery only after spraying perfume or applying cosmetics and lotions.

∞ After every use, wipe gently with a soft cloth to remove and dirt and grease from the jewellery.

∞ If your gold plated jewellery looks a bit tired after a while, gently clean it with a barely damp microfiber cloth and pat dry with a soft cloth.

Do not use a silver polishing cloth or solution on gold plated jewellery as it will dull the gold.

∞ Pearls are very delicate gemstones , so avoid placing them with other jewellery to prevent knocking against each other.

∞ Please do not wear your jewellery when showering, exercising or sleeping.

Jewellery Sizing Charts

Pearl Necklace Length

Pearl necklaces have been so loved by women for centuries that wearing them is almost an art and these are names for the different necklace length!

∞ Choker : 14-16 inches

∞ Princess : 18 inches which is the modern classic

∞ Matinee : 22 inches which sits around mid chest level

∞ Opera : 36 inches which you can loop twice if you like

∞ Rope : 37 inches and beyond

Which length do you like best?

Ring Size

Measure the circumference of the both the base and knuckle of your finger. Find your corresponding size from the below chart, making sure that the ring is able to fit pass your knuckle. If you are in between sizes, we would suggest going for the larger ring size.